The 7 Stages Of Grief: Understanding And Navigating Loss (2024)

Grief is an inevitable part of the human experience. You will likely experience the profound sorrow accompanying a significant loss at some point. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, losing your job, or any other traumatic change – grief will visit you.

When grief comes knocking, you may feel like you’ve been plunged into unfamiliar territory. Sudden waves ofanger,bargaining, anddepressioncrash over you when you least expect it. You find yourself in a densefogof denial andshock, struggling to accept this new reality.

During this painful time, it can be helpful to understand thestages of grief– the emotional phases that many people go through when processing a significant loss. While everyone’s grief journey is unique, identifying common stages can:

  • Help you name the confusing jumble of emotions you’re experiencing
  • Reassure you that your feelings are normal and shared by others
  • Allow you to anticipate changes in your grief response over time
  • Prevent you from getting stuck in any particular stage

This comprehensive guide will unpack the well-known5 stagesand7 stagesmodels of grief. You’ll gain insight into how people typically move through these stages and tips for coping with each phase.

The 7 Stages Of Grief: Understanding And Navigating Loss (1)

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The 7 Stages Of Grief: Understanding And Navigating Loss (2)

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The 5 Original Stages of Grief

In 1969, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross published a groundbreaking book titledOn Death and Dying. In her work with terminally ill patients, she identified 5 common emotional stages that people tend to experience when grieving a significant loss.

These stages do not always occur linearly, but many find it helpful to anticipate them as part of the natural grieving process. Let’s explore Kübler-Ross’s original 5 stages of grief:

Stage 1: Denial

Denial acts as a buffer after a traumatic loss, allowing you to absorb the impact slowly. You may consciously or unconsciously block out the reality of what happened. Some common thoughts:

  • “This can’t be real.”
  • “There must be some mistake.”
  • “They’ll come back tomorrow.”

Denial helps numb overwhelming emotions temporarily. But staying stuck here too long prevents you from grieving healthily.

Stage 2: Anger

As denial fades, anger often rises to mask the pain. You may resent loved ones, doctors, or even the deceased. Anger can manifest as:

  • Irritability towards people or objects unrelated to the loss
  • Outbursts of rage
  • Bitterness and resentment

Constructively releasing pent-up anger allows more profound heartache to surface. Suppressing it prolongs your grief.

Stage 3: Bargaining

In bargaining, you appeal to a higher power or the universe to regain control. Common thoughts:

  • “If they recover, I’ll ______.”
  • “What if I had done things differently?”

By imagining alternate scenarios, you express powerlessness and stall accepting reality. In time, you’ll see bargaining doesn’t change what happened.

Stage 4: Depression

As anger diminishes, overwhelming sadness arises. You may:

  • Withdraw socially
  • Lose concentration and motivation
  • Experience physical effects like lethargy, changes in appetite, and insomnia

If these symptoms persist or worsen, seek professional support.

Stage 5: Acceptance

With acceptance, you internalize the loss. Although sadness remains, anxiety decreases as you adjust to a new reality. You start to contemplate how to move forward.

Kübler-Ross’s 5 stages paved the way for our modern understanding of grief. But for some, more stages are needed to mirror their mourning process accurately. This led to an expanded 7-stage model…

The 7 Stages of Grief: New Model

While Kübler-Ross’s 5 stages captured the grief experience for many, some felt these steps didn’t fully reflect their emotional mourning process. Over time, grief experts expanded the model to 7 stages:

  1. Shock & Denial
  2. Pain & Guilt
  3. Anger & Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. The Upward Turn
  6. Reconstruction & Working Through
  7. Acceptance & Hope

These additional stages illuminate some of the overlooked psychological effects of bereavement. Let’s explore what each entails.

Stage 1: Shock & Denial

Despite anticipating loss, shock still ensues. You may feel:

  • Numb or dissociated
  • Emotionally detached
  • Unable to comprehend the loss

To cushion the blow, your mind blocks out the jarring new reality. You instinctively deny what occurred.

Shock and denial enable you to cope momentarily until you are prepared for the ordeal ahead. Don’t admonish yourself for these natural reflexes.

Stage 2: Pain & Guilt

With shock fading, intense sorrow emerges. You may dwell on:

  • Regret over not preventing the loss
  • Remorse about the relationship with the deceased
  • Perceived mistakes

Feelings of helplessness and self-reproach often accompany pain after loss. Guilt can torment you even if objectively undeserved.

Vocalize these feelings to help release them. Forgive yourself for hindsight bias about what you “should” have done.

Stage 3: Anger & Bargaining

Two responses commonly overlap at this point:

Angeroften surfaces as grief evolves. You may be mad at:

  • Doctors who couldn’t prevent a death
  • Family who don’t understand your grief
  • God or the universe for allowing this tragedy
  • Yourself for not being “strong enough”

Bargaininginvolves appealing to reverse the loss. You may propose hypothetical trades:

  • If they recover, I’ll be a better partner.”
  • “I’d give anything to hug them one last time.”

Bargaining and anger demonstrate helplessness against the reality you still resist deep down. Both will fade as you confront the truth head-on.

Stage 4: Depression

As anguish settles in, sadness swells. Depression symptoms arising from grief may include:

  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Lack of motivation
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Social withdrawal and isolation

If depressive feelings persist beyond a few months or seem unmanageable, seek professional support. Counselling helps prevent complicated grief.

Stage 5: The Upward Turn

Finally, a light appears. You start having moments where:

  • The emotional intensity diminishes
  • You feel occasional happiness
  • You look to the future

Rebirth seems on the horizon. Your outlook improves as you realize you can survive this trauma.

Stage 6: Reconstruction & Working Through

Now, you’re ready to structure life without the deceased’s presence actively. You may:

  • Revisit old activities
  • Forge new social connections
  • Determine what brings joy and purpose

By finding meaning amid loss, your days feel fuller. You’ll always have some grief but feel hope, too.

Stage 7: Acceptance & Hope

In acceptance, you make peace with the agony you still bear while being ready to build a new existence. You may feel:

  • Sadness about the loss, yet less acute mourning
  • Able to commemorate the deceased through rituals like holidays honouring them
  • Hopeful to discover meaning and purpose again

With optimism and grace, you transition into a life forever changed – not over, just different.

When Grief Becomes Complicated

For most, grief starts to lift within 6-12 months after a loss. But for some, acute mourning persists, becoming“complicated grief.”Symptoms include:

  • Inability to accept the loss after a year or more
  • Intense sorrow and emotional pain continue without relief
  • Extreme focus on the loss interfering with daily function
  • Severe detachment from others
  • Loss of joy and purpose in life

Several factors increase complicated grief risk:

  • Unexpected or traumatic loss
  • Lack of social support
  • Childhood history of anxiety, depression, or trauma
  • Loss of a child or spouse

If you’re struggling with complicated grief, don’t suffer alone. Seek a professional therapist near you to:

  • Address thought patterns stuck on the loss
  • Resolve guilt, anger, and bargaining fixations
  • Rebuild your identity and discover new meaning
  • Prevent associated issues like depression or PTSD

With compassionate guidance, you can work through crippling grief symptoms. Support groups also help by normalizing your experience and reducing isolation.

Remember, grief is not a linear journey. Be patient with ups and downs. But if you’re emotionally stuck for over a year, get help moving towards acceptance. With time and care, you can find hope again.

Experiencing the Stages

Now that we’ve mapped out the 5 and 7-stage grief models, how do people tend to experience them in real life?

Everyone’s bereavement process is unique, but here are some commonalities:

Grief is not linear

The stages are not sequential steps but fluid phases that blend and oscillate. You may jump between emotions like:

  • Rage about your loss
  • Despair from loneliness
  • Warm memories bring temporary comfort

There’s no “right” order. You might enter denial, anger, and then return to denial.

People skip or repeat stages

Most people don’t experience every single stage. You may never bargain or experience a distinct upward turn.

Or you could get stuck cycling between two stages: anger and depression. Repetition is normal, too. You might relapse into painful mourning after hitting acceptance.

There's no timeline for grief

Every grief journey unfolds at its own pace. Some may feel better within weeks, while others suffer loss for years. Avoid comparing yourself to mourning “timelines.”

Here are the general duration guidelines:

  • Initial acute grief– Around 6-12 months
  • Persistent complex grief– Ongoing intense symptoms exceeding a year

There’s no “wrong” length of time to grieve.

Getting stuck in a stage

Prolonged entrapment at any stage can impede healing. Telltale signs of being stuck include:

  • Excessive denial and emotional numbness
  • Constant anger prevents forward movement
  • Severe self-blame and guilt
  • Ongoing despair and suicidality
  • Complete inability to reengage in life after a year or more

If you feel trapped, confide in loved ones, join a grief support group, or pursue counselling. With help, you can break free of toxic stagnation.

Remember that grief waxes and wanes. On difficult days, recall you’ve survived 100% of past bad days.

Coping with Grief

Navigating grief is an intensely personal process. But specific strategies may help you find your footing during this disorienting time:

Practice self-care

Tending to your physical and emotional needs boosts resilience. Be sure to:

  • Eat a nutritious diet
  • Stay hydrated
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Reduce alcohol and drugs
  • Exercise to boost endorphins
  • Try relaxing activities like yoga, walks in nature, or meditation

Ask for support

Don’t isolate yourself. Death and loss are universally shared experiences. Confide in trusted friends and family who will listen without judgment.

Seeking counselling is wise, too. A grief counsellor helps you:

  • Process and validate complex emotions
  • Gain coping skills and perspective
  • Prevent getting stuck in denial or depression

Consider a support group

In a group, you can connect with others experiencing similar grief. This reduces isolation and creates a space to share openly.

Try journaling

Writing about loss can help you untangle complicated feelings, process grief, and find meaning.

Explore therapy options

If grief becomes overwhelming, individual or group therapy can help. Types of support include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy to change thought patterns
  • Complicated grief therapy to resolve stuck points
  • Art therapy to express emotions through creativity
  • Pet therapy to ease loneliness
  • Music or talk therapy for comfort

Take things one day at a time

Don’t think about having to endure grief for weeks or years. Just focus on coping today. Each day forward is progress.

With compassion for yourself and utilizing support, you can navigate grief’s turbulent waters through to calmer seas. There is hope.

Finding Meaning After Loss

The most unbearable losses leave a permanent void. Although grief diminishes, the pain of absence still lurks in quiet moments.

But while life may never be the same, you can rediscover meaning and purpose over time. Here are some ways to move forward after tragedy:

Honour deceased loved ones

Cherish their memory through activities like:

  • Sharing fond stories and laughing together
  • Establishing traditions on birthdays or holidays
  • Creating memorials like memory books and photo albums

Embrace life changes

Your identity, priorities and interests may shift after loss. Instead of resisting change, ask:

  • How has grief shaped me as a person?
  • What new passions or people might enter my life now?
  • What goals would honour values my loved one admired?

Discover personal growth

The bereavement journey, while deeply painful, often sparks:

  • Greater compassion, wisdom, and resilience
  • Renewed appreciation for everyday
  • Increased value of relationships

Find meaning in how you grew in response to the suffering – that is your loved one’s eternal gift.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does each stage of grief last?

There's no set timeline - each stage lasts different lengths for each person. Total grieving may take anywhere from months to years.

What is the hardest stage of grief?

The depression stage is often considered the hardest, but it depends on the individual. Acceptance can also be very difficult.

Why is it important to understand the stages of grief?

It helps you process emotions and recognize your reactions as normal. Knowing the stages provides a framework to gauge your own grief journey.

Do the stages of grief happen linearly?

No, most people oscillate between stages or skip some entirely. Grief is not a linear process.

Can you skip stages of grief?

Yes, most people do not experience every single stage of grief.

Can you repeat stages of grief?

It's very common to revisit and recycle through different stages as part of healing.

How do you know what stage of grief you're in?

Each stage's core emotions and experiences provide clues about which phase you may be in. But stages often overlap.

How long does the grief process take?

There's no set timeline, but acute grief usually lasts 6-12 months. However, everyone's journey through loss is unique.

The 7 Stages Of Grief: Understanding And Navigating Loss (3)

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The 7 Stages Of Grief: Understanding And Navigating Loss (4)


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Pareen Sehat MC, RCC

Pareen’s career began in Behaviour Therapy, this is where she developed a passion for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches. Following a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology she pursued a Master of Counselling. Pareen is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. She specializes in CBT and Lifespan Integrations approaches to anxiety and trauma. She has been published on major online publications such as - Yahoo, MSN, AskMen, PsychCentral, Best Life Online, and more.

The 7 Stages Of Grief: Understanding And Navigating Loss (2024)


The 7 Stages Of Grief: Understanding And Navigating Loss? ›

The stages in her model were: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. The seven stages of grief include the five stages Dr. Kubler-Ross outlined but also include guilt, an upward turn, and reconstruction.

What are the 7 stages of grieving? ›

The 7 stages are:
  • shock and denial.
  • pain and guilt.
  • anger and bargaining.
  • depression.
  • the upward turn.
  • reconstruction and working through.
  • acceptance and hope.

What are the 7 stages of grieving belonging? ›

The 7 Stages of Grieving
  • Scene 1: Prologue.
  • Scene 2: Sobbing.
  • Scene 3: Purification.
  • Scene 4: Nana's Story.
  • Scene 5: Photograph Story.
  • Scene 6: Story of a Father.
  • Scene 7: Family Gathering.
  • Scene 8: Black Skin Girl.
Apr 21, 2020

Can you get free bereavement counselling? ›

Our Online Bereavement Counselling Service offers up to 6 free sessions with a professional counsellor over video (Zoom). Sessions are online so you can use the service from the comfort of home. To use the service you'll need to have access to a laptop, tablet or mobile phone with a camera and microphone.

What are the three C's of grief? ›

Practice the three C's

As you build a plan, consider the “three Cs”: choose, connect, communicate. Choose: Choose what's best for you. Even during dark bouts of grief, you still possess the dignity of choice. “Grief often brings the sense of loss of control,” says Julie.

How do I know what stage of grief I'm in? ›

Stages of Grief
  • Denial: When you first learn of a loss, it's common to think, “This isn't happening.” You may feel shocked or numb. ...
  • Anger: As reality sets in, you're faced with the pain of your loss. ...
  • Bargaining: During this stage, you dwell on what you could've done to prevent the loss.
Aug 20, 2023

What is considered unhealthy grieving? ›

Marked sense of disbelief about the death. Avoidance of reminders that the person is dead. Intense emotional pain (such as anger, bitterness, sorrow) related to the death. Difficulty with reintegration (such as problems engaging with friends, pursuing interests, planning for the future).

Do you have to go through the stages of grief in order? ›

In reality, we do not experience feelings of grief one at a time or in a particular order. We know that there are no set stages that everyone goes through. You may experience these things – because they are all normal feelings of grief.

Who wrote the 7 stages of grieving? ›

The 7 Stages Of Grieving by Wesley Enoch and Deborah Mailman (25th Anniversary) This is a proud milestone in Australian theatre history; a contemporary Indigenous performance text from the highly acclaimed Kooemba Jdarra.

How long does each stage of grief last? ›

There is no specific time period for any of these stages. One person may experience the stages quickly, such as in a matter of weeks, whereas another person may take months or even years to move through the stages of grieving. Whatever time it takes for you to move through these stages is perfectly normal.

How to survive grief? ›

Survival Tips for Grief
  1. Be patient with yourself. Grief is a process that takes time. ...
  2. Keep busy. You cannot dwell on your sorrow or your loss every waking moment. ...
  3. Keep a journal. ...
  4. Exercise daily. ...
  5. Be willing to change things.

How long does grief fatigue last? ›

Grieving isn't just an emotional process. It can be surprisingly physical too, leaving you exhausted, achy, restless and even with cold or flu-like symptoms. Your mind and body are run down and burnt out, and you might feel that way for weeks or even months.

How does the death of a loved one affect you mentally? ›

Immediately after a death, those left behind often feel shocked, numb and in denial, particularly if the death was unexpected. When they begin to understand the reality of death, they can feel intensely sad, empty or lonely, and sometimes angry or guilty. The feelings can be painful, constant or overwhelming.

What is the difference between grief and bereavement? ›

In conclusion, grief forms an emotional reaction to loss, while bereavement is the time period after the loss whereby the person grieves and mourns that loss.

What are all 5 stages of grief in order? ›

The five stages – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance – are often talked about as if they happen in order, moving from one stage to the other. You might hear people say things like 'Oh I've moved on from denial and now I think I'm entering the angry stage'.

What are the 10 stages of grieving? ›

The Ten Stages of Grief
  • Shock and Denial.
  • Pain and Guilt.
  • Anger and Bargaining.
  • Depression and Sadness.
  • The Upward Turn.
  • Reconstruction and Working Through.
  • Acceptance and Hope.
  • Reintegration and Renewal.

What are the 5 stages of grief end of life? ›

It's normal to feel other things too, such as shock, anxiety, exhaustion, or guilt.
  • Denial. Some people feel numb after the death of a person they cared about. ...
  • Anger. It is very natural to feel anger after someone dies. ...
  • Bargaining. ...
  • Depression. ...
  • Acceptance.
Nov 7, 2022

What is a mental breakdown after death of loved one? ›

Prolonged grief disorder often occurs along with other mental disorders such as PTSD, anxiety or depression. Sleep problems are also common; an estimated 80% of people with prolonged grief disorder experience long-term poor sleep (Szuhany et al., 2021).


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