Fudgy Chocolate Cupcakes with Two-Tone Roses - The Recipe Rebel (2024)

The Recipe Rebel / Desserts

written by Ashley Fehr

5 from 3 votes

Prep Time 25 minutes mins

Total Time 45 minutes mins

Servings 24 cupcakes

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Last updated on April 18, 2022

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Let me first just say that you’re going to have to forgive me for the many imperfections in my buttercream roses.

I’m going to go ahead and claim that it makes them more realistic, because how often do you see a live rose with perfectly smooth edges?

Just work with me.

And if I’ve had trouble forming sentences lately, it’s because I’m going on a few measly hours of sleep. Night after night.

I thought that I was tired before our sweet babearrived.

And, you know, I think I’d be fine if it was only the baby that woke me up in the night. But our toddler has been waking for nightly bathroom breaks and my husband is a sleep walker/sleep talker.

Apparently lack of sleep makes his sleep walking/talking habits worse.

I’ll wake up and find him with a book open in bed, in the dark. I’ll wake up and find him searching for the baby in our bed (we are not co-sleeping).

The good thing is he’s pretty obedient when he’s sleeping walking, and he’ll never remember if I use a less-than-pleasant tone when directing him back to bed.

A simple, “put the book away and go to sleep!” is usually enough.

But first — super moist, fudgy chocolate cupcakes!

I found this recipe on Glorious Treats but it’s originally from Hershey.

Fudgy Chocolate Cupcakes with Two-Tone Roses - The Recipe Rebel (6)

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Fudgy Chocolate Cupcakes with Two-Tone Roses

written by Ashley Fehr

5 from 3 votes

These Fudgy Chocolate Cupcakes with Two Tone Roses are a fun, pretty dessert for Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day.

Fudgy Chocolate Cupcakes with Two-Tone Roses - The Recipe Rebel (8)




Prep Time 25 minutes mins

Cook Time 20 minutes mins

Total Time 45 minutes mins

Cuisine American

Course Dessert

Servings 24 cupcakes

Calories 356cal


  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 3/4 cups all purpose flour I used whole wheat
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup milk I used 1%
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup boiling water


  • 1 1/2 cups butter room temperature
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 5 cups powdered icing sugar
  • 2-3 tbsp milk
  • gel icing color as desired see pictured below


  • Line two muffin pans with paper liners (for 24 cupcakes) and preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

  • In a large bowl, combine sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda and salt with a whisk.

  • Add eggs, milk, oil and vanilla and whisk well, until completely combined.

  • Add boiling water and whisk slowly until smooth — the batter will be thin.

  • Pour batter into muffin cups, about ⅔ full.

  • Bake for 18-22 minutes (I baked mined exactly 18 minutes and they were perfect).

  • Remove from oven and set aside to cool before frosting.

  • FrostingIn the bowl of a stand mixer, beat butter until smooth.

  • Add vanilla and one cup powdered sugar. Beat on low until combined. Continue adding sugar, one cup at a time, and beating on low until combined.

  • When all sugar has been added, beat on medium-high for 2-4 minutes, until smooth and fluffy, adding milk if needed to reach desired consistency.

  • Do not refrigerate before piping as it will stiffen as it’s cooled.

Nutrition Information

Calories: 356cal | Carbohydrates: 50g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 17g | Saturated Fat: 11g | Cholesterol: 45mg | Sodium: 289mg | Potassium: 105mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 41g | Vitamin A: 390IU | Calcium: 37mg | Iron: 0.9mg

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  1. You want your frosting to be nice and thick — if you take a large scoop on your spatula, it shouldn’t droop or sag at all if you life it straight up or turn it over.
  2. You will need: cupcakes and frosting, a long skewer, additional gel icing color, large piping bag, a petal tip (I used a Wilton 125), scissors to cut the end off if using a disposable bag.
  3. Place the petal tip in your piping bag, and line the narrow end up with one of the seams of the piping bag.
  4. Dip your skewer into the icing color.
  5. Using your skewer, create a line of icing color along the seam aligned with the narrow end of the petal tip. The narrow end of the tip will be the tops of your petals, so this is where you want your line of color.
  6. Carefully fill your piping bag with frosting, trying not to smear your line of icing color. If you do, don’t worry. They don’t have to be perfect. My line looks pretty thick, but it won’t be that thick when you’re piping.
  7. Pipe a small circle in the center of your cupcake, with the narrow end facing straight up. Make it as tight as possible — this will be your bud.
  8. Create petals around your bud by making small half circles of frosting, with the narrow end pointing straight up and the wide end against the base of your bud. *It’s important never to complete one full circle. Start the next petal in the middle of the one before, so they overlap and look somewhat natural.
  9. As you continue making petals, slowly angle the narrow end of your petal tip out, so that your tip ends up horizontal by the time you reach the edge of your cupcake.
Fudgy Chocolate Cupcakes with Two-Tone Roses - The Recipe Rebel (9)

Meet Ashley

My name is Ashley Fehr and I love creating easy meals my family loves. I also like to do things my way, which means improvising and breaking the rules when necessary. Here you will find creative twists on old favorites and some of my favorite family recipes, passed down from generations!

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Reader Interactions


  1. Christy says

    Thanks so much for the recipe to these beautiful rose cupcakes. I’m not sure which one I enjoyed more, your yummy cupcake idea or your story of your husbands sleep patterns from no sleep !:) Thanks for post. I love this idea and I am going to use this for my daughter’s high school graduation party! Can’t believe how fast time flies! Hope your sleeping much better these days!:)


    • The Recipe Rebel says

      Hi Christy! So glad you enjoyed the cupcakes! Thank you for this review!


  2. fotografos profesionales en ibiza says

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    puestas de sol increíbles haciendo que el documental quede realmente bien.


  3. Natalie @ Tastes Lovely says

    I am blown away with how beautiful these are Ashley! They look like real roses! You’ve inspired me to start going the extra mile and making my frosted desserts even prettier : )


    • Natalie @ Tastes Lovely says

      Haha! Whoops! Double comment! Thought my first one didn’t post : )


      • Ashley says

        Haha, Natalie — no problem! You can never go wrong with more compliments 😉 And thank you! It’s fun to play around with cake decorating sometimes 🙂

  4. Natalie @ Tastes Lovely says

    Ashley! These rose frosting cupcakes are amazing! I’ve never done anything as fancy as this. Usually it’s “spread it with a butter knife” frosting at my house. You have completely inspired me!


  5. Sarah@Whole and Heavenly Oven says

    I am absolutely floored over how gorgeous your piping is, Ashley! Teach me?! My piping skills look more or less like a 2-year old’s with a sugar rush. LOL.


    • Ashley says

      You could TOTALLY do it Sarah!


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Amber! I don’t do it often but it sure is fun!


  6. Liz @ Floating Kitchen says

    Well I think your roses look amazing! I’m very impressed. My decorating skills are sub-par. These are beautiful. And on no sleep? You are a champ in my book! Great tutorial!


    • Ashley says

      Haha, thanks Liz! They’re not perfect by any means 🙂


  7. Annie @ Annie's Noms says

    These are so pretty imperfections and all! To be honest, I’m too chicken to even attempt piping a rose as I have the shakiest hands ever, so I think they’re awesome. Sleep walking partners is not something I’ve had to deal with, but some of my friends have and although mine snores like a plane, I’m not sure I could deal with sleep walking


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Annie! He’s not usually too bad, but I guess lacking the extra sleep made things a little worse :S


  8. Christina @ Bake with Christina says

    Those roses though… They look SO incredibly real and just plain beautiful! And I’m glad you included a tutorial on how to achieve them, I will definitely have to try it out sometime!! Pinned 🙂


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Christina!


  9. Stacey @ Bake.Eat.Repeat. says

    Those roses are beautiful Ashley! So pretty, I love the darker edge on them! Hope you get some sleep soon!


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Stacey! She’s been doing a lot better the last few nights!


  10. Tori@Gringalicious.com says

    Holy Yum! These brownies look amazing and I love the two-tone frosting! I’m such a frosting girl and this reminds me of how my grandma used to frost cupcakes when I waas little!


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Tori!


  11. Karen @ The Food Charlatan says

    These are amazing Ashley!! They are so beautiful! I’m dying imagining you ordering your husband around in his sleep. Ha!! Although I’m sure it’s not very funny to you anymore, esp when you are running on just a few hours of interrupted sleep.


    • Ashley says

      Haha, it definitely is funny in the morning still! Thanks Karen 🙂


  12. Jess @ Flying on Jess Fuel says

    Uhm, I don’t see any imperfections! These are SO pretty!! And I love the two-tone… so creative!


    • Ashley says

      Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence Jess!


  13. Kristine @ Kristine's Kitchen says

    I’m right there with you with the lack of sleep and trouble forming sentences! I hope things settle down for you with the little ones at night soon! (Too funny about your husband and his sleep walking/talking! Although I’m sure it’s not so funny at 2am.)

    These cupcakes are so pretty, and I think the imperfections (which I can’t even see) make them more beautiful. 🙂


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Kristine! I can just imagine! I hope you guys are settling in with the new baby — we got a 10 hour night last night so I’m hoping things continue that way!


  14. Michelle @ Modern Acupuncture says

    These are so darn pretty! I’m usually intimidated by making things out of frosting, but I really like your tutorial and might actually give it a try this weekend! Thank you! 🙂


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Michelle! They’re actually pretty easy!


  15. Jenn @ Deliciously Sprinkled says

    Ashley, these cupcakes are GORGEOUS!!! I also love the step-by-step photos…it’s alot easier then it looks to make the pretty roses on top of each cupcake! 🙂


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Jenn! It’s fun to play sometimes 🙂


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Fudgy Chocolate Cupcakes with Two-Tone Roses - The Recipe Rebel (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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